Finnian Bogart, our sweet Finnie, is always missed.  The top of my head is not as warm as it once was when I dream.  Thank you Finn for the cuddles, laughs, company, hikes, and your love.  I'm sorry I cut your ears and daddy said you looked like the Quaker Oats guy, but you were still adorable to me.  I loved you even when I spent every morning picking burrs out of your hair because you'd enjoyed your post-Katrina morning walk.  I miss seeing you sit patiently under the tree waiting for the birds you chased off to come back.  I haven't had to replace a cord on anything since you've been gone, I guess it's funny I miss that. . .  but I suppose it's no stranger than the enjoyment you got from chewing on plugged in cords!  I loved watching you bark at commercials on tv.  How in the world did you know that a meerkat was something to bark at? Finn, you were my sweet boy and I know that now, over the Rainbow Bridge you are free of the burden your illness, and are waiting patiently for those birds.